【禁戀】電影配樂「Lonely Wine」是由 Mickey Gilley所演唱的版本,Mickey Gilley是美國70、80年代頗具名氣的鄉村音樂歌手。他的成就不僅僅只是在鄉村音樂界,甚至跨足到流行音樂排行榜,當時他以下列三首代表作品享譽盛名"Room Full of Roses"、"Don't the Girls All Get Prettier at Closing Time" 以及翻唱的"Stand by Me"。

「Lonely Wine」這首鄉村民謠歌曲強烈刻畫出《禁戀》時代的氛圍,也讓人感受些許戀情的寂寞與苦澀。

The night is bright and gay but I'm so blue 
My heart must have it's way and dream of you 
That's why I sigh and sip my lonely wine 

Your picture on the wall your smiling face 
Brings back the memory of your embrace 
I start to cry into my lonely wine 

Teardrops fall but all they bring is heartache 
It's better if I never think at all 
Still they soothe the pain my lonely thoughts make 
I never quite succeed in hiding all, so let them fall 

Where ever you may be, I'll still be true 
And when the clouds roll by I'll come to you 
But until then I'll drink my lonely wine

    創作者 Flashforward 的頭像

    前景娛樂:種一片好田 吃一頓好料 開始慢活人生《小森食光/夏秋篇》4/10 料理幸福

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