每到年底,就是各大獎項、各媒體、各影評人為過去一整年的電影打成績的時候。國際知名的紐約客雜誌特約影評人David Denby選出了2008年他最中意的十部佳片,《我和我的小鬼們》當然名列榜單裡,看來小鬼不但征服了法國人的心,連向來引領潮流的紐約客們,也對他讚譽有佳喔!讓我們一起來看看完整榜單吧!
“The Class”: a smart, cocky teacher in multi-ethnic Paris takes on a class of turbulent ninth-graders, who then come back at him hard. Essential.
“Defiance”: An inspirational story, told with a maximum of physical detail and a minimum of rhetoric, about the three Bielski brothers (including Daniel Craig), who kept twelve hundred Jews alive in the forest during the Nazi occupation of Byelorussia.
“Rachel Getting Married”: Excruciating to get into, but, once you become accustomed to Ann Hathaway’s high-wire performance and the jiggling camera style, very rewarding.
“The Wrestler”: Blood, suffering, and nobility at the lowest rungs of professional wrestling, starring Mickey Rourke.
“Vicky Cristina Barcelona”: Woody Allen’s take on American girls living abroad in complicated Old Europe; sunshiny, art-loving, melancholy.
“Wall-E”: Apocalyptic dismay and social satire mixed into one; Pixar’s most ambitious animated film yet.
“Milk”: Buoyant biopic with Sean Penn’s body- and soul-transforming performance as the gay-rights leader Harvey Milk in seventies San Francisco.
“Trouble The Water”: An African-American woman remains in her New Orleans house during Katrina with a portable video camera; first chaos, and then reassertion of personal will.
“Revolutionary Road”: The ultimate suburban-despair-in-the-fifties movie, from the Richard Yates novel, with Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet fighting at full tilt.
“I’ve Loved You So Long”: Not a great film, but a great performance from Kristen Scott-Thomas as a woman who has committed a terrible crime and then returns to French bourgeois society.